Hi Dhurandar,
I'm afraid that Flink's rest API cannot satisfy your request as it would not act as any source. One possible example could be SocketWindowWordCount [1] which listens data on a port from all taskmanagers with sources.
Yun Tang
From: dhurandar S <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 5:31
To: Flink Dev <
[hidden email]>; user <
[hidden email]>
Subject: Running Flink job as a rest
Can Flink job be running as Rest Server, Where Apache Flink job is listening on a port (443). When a user calls this URL with payload, data directly goes to the Apache Flink windowing function.
Right now Flink can ingest data from Kafka or Kinesis, but we have a use case where we would like to push data to Flink, where Flink is listening on a port
Thank you and regards,