[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where ...

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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where ...

GitHub user twalthr opened a pull request:


    Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where primitive arrays have a wrong type.

    Fixes FLINK-910 and updates TypeInfoParser.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull https://github.com/twalthr/incubator-flink TypeExtractorPrimitiveArraysJava6

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:


To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #12
commit 6f4e55e435306c0fa66e0b8ee3b49b72a1cca545
Author: twalthr <[hidden email]>
Date:   2014-06-12T15:45:57Z

    Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where primitive arrays have a wrong type.


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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where ...

Github user StephanEwen commented on the pull request:

    Looks good. I will merge that for the 0.6 release.

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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where ...

In reply to this post by zentol
Github user StephanEwen commented on the pull request:

    Merged in 856d5569c62c9a74be24750444c589ee11c4ceb0

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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Fixes a bug in the Java 6 JVM where ...

In reply to this post by zentol
Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:


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enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
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