Qian Chao created FLINK-21437:
Summary: Memory leak when using filesystem state backend on Alibaba Cloud OSS
Key: FLINK-21437
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-21437 Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Runtime / State Backends
Reporter: Qian Chao
When using filesystem state backend, and storing checkpoints on Alibaba Cloud OSS
state.backend: filesystem
state.checkpoints.dir: oss://yourBucket/checkpoints
fs.oss.endpoint: xxxxx
fs.oss.accessKeyId: xxxxx
fs.oss.accessKeySecret: xxxxx{code}
A memory leak (both jobmanager and taskmanager) would occur after a period of time, objects retained in jvm heap like:
The class "java.io.DeleteOnExitHook", loaded by "<system class loader>", occupies 1,018,323,960 (96.47%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.LinkedHashMap", loaded by "<system class loader>", which occupies 1,018,323,832 (96.47%) bytes.
The root cause should be that when using flink-oss-fs-hadoop to upload file to OSS, OSSFileSystem will create temporary file, and deleteOnExit, so LinkedHashSet<String> files in DeleteOnExitHook will get bigger and bigger.
dirAlloc.createTmpFileForWrite("output-", -1L, conf)
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