kunnni created FLINK-20973:
Summary: failed to submit flink-on-yarn job on Windows due to error of classPath
Key: FLINK-20973
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20973 Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Deployment / YARN
Affects Versions: 1.11.3, 1.10.1
Reporter: kunnni
When I submitted flink-on-yarn job on Windows (Operating system of yarn cluster is Linux), I got error message: “Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.flink.yarn.entrypoint.YarnJobClusterEntrypoint”.
then I found out that Windows has different classPath delimiter with Linux as in Windows is ";", but in Linux is ":". the main cause is that classPath was built on Windows, but was splitted on Linux.
the solution is to replace value of File.pathSeparator with ApplicationConstants.CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR in class of org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor and org.apache.flink.yarn.Utils.
sourceCode is displayed below:
private ApplicationReport startAppMaster(......) throws Exception {
// classpath assembler
StringBuilder classPathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (userJarInclusion == YarnConfigOptions.UserJarInclusion.FIRST) {
for (String userClassPath : userClassPaths)
{ classPathBuilder.append(userClassPath).append(File.pathSeparator); }
for (String classPath : systemClassPaths)
{ classPathBuilder.append(classPath).append(File.pathSeparator); }
// Setup CLASSPATH and environment variables for ApplicationMaster
final Map<String, String> appMasterEnv = new HashMap<>();
// set user specified app master environment variables
BootstrapTools.getEnvironmentVariables(ResourceManagerOptions.CONTAINERIZED_MASTER_ENV_PREFIX, configuration));
// set Flink app class path
appMasterEnv.put(YarnConfigKeys.ENV_FLINK_CLASSPATH, classPathBuilder.toString());
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