wxmimperio created FLINK-20378:
Summary: Watermark generation check TIMESTAMP_WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE
Key: FLINK-20378
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20378 Project: Flink
Issue Type: Improvement
Components: Table SQL / Planner
Affects Versions: 1.11.1
Reporter: wxmimperio
def generateWatermarkGenerator(
config: TableConfig,
inputType: RowType,
watermarkExpr: RexNode): GeneratedWatermarkGenerator = {
// validation
val watermarkOutputType = FlinkTypeFactory.toLogicalType(watermarkExpr.getType)
if (watermarkOutputType.getTypeRoot != LogicalTypeRoot.TIMESTAMP_WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE) {
throw new CodeGenException(
"WatermarkGenerator only accepts output data type of TIMESTAMP," +
" but is " + watermarkOutputType)
Why does watermark generation need to be detected as TIMESTAMP_WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE?
If I remove this check, what effect will it have on the watermark?
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