mzz created FLINK-18443:
Summary: The operator name select: (ip, ts, count, environment.access AS access, environment.brand AS brand, sid, params.adid AS adid, eventid) exceeded the 80 characters length limit and was truncated
Key: FLINK-18443
URL: Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Components: API / DataStream
Affects Versions: 1.9.0
Reporter: mzz
.withSchema(new Schema()
.field("ip", Types.STRING())
.field("ts", Types.STRING())
.field("procTime", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP).proctime()
.field("environment", schemaEnvironment)
.field("advs", ObjectArrayTypeInfo.getInfoFor(new Array[Row](0).getClass,
Types.ROW(Array("count","sid", "eventid","params"),
Types.STRING(),Types.ROW(Array("adid","adtype","ecpm"),Array[TypeInformation[_]] (Types.STRING(),Types.STRING(),Types.STRING()))))))
*when execute this sql*:
val sql =
|FROM aggs_test
|CROSS JOIN UNNEST(advs) AS t (`count`,sid, eventid,params)
*I got a warning,and the console keeps brushing this warning,no normal printout*
09:38:38,694 WARN org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup - The operator name correlate: table(explode($cor0.advs)), select: ip, ts, procTime, advs, sid, eventid, params exceeded the 80 characters length limit and was truncated.
*But after I change it to this way, although I occasionally brush this Warn, it can be output normally。I change the 'params' type from Types.ROW to Types.STRING*。
.field("advs", ObjectArrayTypeInfo.getInfoFor(new Array[Row](0).getClass, Types.ROW(Array("count", "sid", "eventid", "params"),
Array[TypeInformation[_]](Types.STRING(), Types.STRING(), Types.STRING(), Types.STRING()))))
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