xiaojin.wy created FLINK-15141:
Summary: Using decimal type in a sink table, the result returns a not match ValidationException
Key: FLINK-15141
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-15141 Project: Flink
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Table SQL / Client
Affects Versions: 1.10.0
Reporter: xiaojin.wy
The planner what I used is blink.
*The source table is:*
CREATE TABLE `aggtest` (CREATE TABLE `aggtest` ( a smallint, b float) WITH ( 'format.field-delimiter'='|', 'connector.type'='filesystem', 'format.derive-schema'='true', 'connector.path'='hdfs://zthdev/defender_test_data/daily/test_aggregates/sources/aggtest.csv', 'format.type'='csv');
*The sink table is:*
CREATE TABLE `agg_decimal_res` (CREATE TABLE `agg_decimal_res` ( avg_107_943 DECIMAL(10, 3)) WITH ( 'format.field-delimiter'='|', 'connector.type'='filesystem', 'format.derive-schema'='true', 'connector.path'='hdfs://zthdev/defender_test_data/daily/test_aggregates/test_aggregates__test_avg_cast_batch/results/agg_decimal_res.csv', 'format.type'='csv');
*The sql is:*
INSERT INTO agg_decimal_res SELECT CAST(avg(b) AS numeric(10,3)) AS avg_107_943 FROM aggtest;
After execute the sql, there will be a exception appear, just like this:
[INFO] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster...
[ERROR] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason:
org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Field types of query result and registered TableSink `default_catalog`.`default_database`.`agg_decimal_res1` do not match.
Query result schema: [avg_107_943: DECIMAL(10, 3)]
TableSink schema: [avg_107_943: DECIMAL(38, 18)]
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