Alex created FLINK-12513:
Summary: Improve end-to-end (bash based) tests
Key: FLINK-12513
URL: Project: Flink
Issue Type: Improvement
Components: Tests
Reporter: Alex
Assignee: Alex
Fix For: 1.9.0
Tests in {{flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts}} directory are re-using the same Flink directory to configure and launch a Flink cluster for a test.
As part of their setup steps, they may modify Flink config files (application config, logs config), the directory itself (e.g. by copying some jars into {{lib}} folder). Also, some tests involve using additional services (like spinning up Zookeper, Kafka and so on clusters).
The corresponding clean up code (to stop services, to revert Flink directory to original state) is spread out and a little bit not well-structured. In particular
* the test runner itself reverts the Flink config (but doesn't revert other changes in Flink dir);
* some tests use shell's {{trap}} on exit hook for clean up callback. Adding multiple of such callbacks in one test would result in non-proper test tear down.
As the result, some tests may have left overs that may affect execution of next steps.
The proposal is to introduce a helper method for using one global (per test run) {{trap}} hook that would enable adding multiple clean up callbacks. This should enable registering "resource" clean up callbacks in the same place where resource is used/launched.
Optional improvement: make the test runner create a temporal copy of Flink directory and launch test using that temporal directory. After the test is done, the temporal directory would be removed.
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