It’s not hard to implement an “InMemoryTableSink” for debugging use by yourself.
The main part should be a SinkFunction that deals with Tuple<Boolean, T> records. You can either show the changelog (the record itself) or print the materialized result (e.g., a result list) for each received item.
> On Jul 16, 2019, at 1:35 AM, Fan X <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Recently I am using Flink SQL API to test some SQL queries. I run a small
> dataset and output the result to CsvTableSink so that I can easily open the
> file and verify the result by eye. But unfortunately, I found that
> CsvTableSink does not support retraction message and thus I could not
> output some of the query results to CSV files and verify them.
> So I am wondering can we either support an InMemoryTableSink or support
> retraction in CsvTableSink so that Flink developers can easily debug and
> verify their result in a small dataset without introducing an extra system
> such as HBase or MySQL.
> Thanks.