[NOTICE] SSL issue when building flink-mapr-fs

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[NOTICE] SSL issue when building flink-mapr-fs

Chesnay Schepler-3

the Flink PMC was a while ago informed about a security risk in our
build process, as we were accessing various maven repositories without
HTTPS. This issue was resolved in FLINK-12578 for 1.7 on-wards.

However, there is an ongoing issue with the MapR repository where you
may run into an SSLException when building the flink-mapr-fs module.
MapR has been made aware of this issue, but we're still waiting for a

If you run into this you can use the "unsafe-mapr-repo" profile to
revert to the previous behavior. Please also comment either here or in
FLINK-12578 so that we can gauge how many devs are affected; in case
this is wide-spread we may have to look at other alternatives (like
excluding it from the build process by default).

