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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Serialized String comparison, Unicod...

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[GitHub] incubator-flink pull request: Serialized String comparison, Unicod...

Github user StephanEwen commented on the pull request:

    That is very nice progress! And I think the numbers are good, actually.
    I was wondering whether it is possible to modify the encoding such that the comparison loop could still be something like:
    byte[] bytes1 = ...;
    byte[] bytes2 = ...;
    int len = min(bytes1.length, bytes2.length);
    int cmp = 0;
    for (int pos = 0; pos < len && (cmp = (bytes1[pos] & 0xff) - (bytes2[pos] & 0xff)) == 0; pos++);
    That would allow us to push the comparisons into the memory segments (eventually doing something like a memcmp()) and avoid repeatedly grabbing individual bytes.

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