Assign-evenly kafkaTopicPartitions of multiple topics to flinkKafkaConsumer subtask

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Assign-evenly kafkaTopicPartitions of multiple topics to flinkKafkaConsumer subtask


Hi, all:

      When we consume multiplue topic in one flinkKafkaConsumer, each topic partition count is less than the parallelism of the consumer, there is a problem we encounted is that, currently the partitionAssigner can evenly assign partition of one topic to subtask, but the assignment process is indepent between topic, so finally , we get some subtasks is in charge of much more partitions while some subtask is total free! To slow this issuse, i have reported the issue by
      I worked on this issue by add one assign strategy wich can deal with this requirement , and want to contibue to flink guys!

      Is there someone can talk about this issuce with me ?



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