Hello dev,
A user hits the following issue when using Flink 1.11.1 to connect to Hive
> org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient.<init>(Lorg/apache/hadoop/conf/Configuration;)V
> at
> org.apache.flink.table.catalog.hive.client.HiveShimV100.getHiveMetastoreClient(HiveShimV100.java:97)
The HiveMetastoreClient constructor takes a HiveConf parameter in Hive
2.3.4 [1], which is the default hive version we build with. But in Hive
3.1.1, the signature changed and takes a Configuration parameter instead
So I suspect the hive connector jar we published in 1.11.1 was somehow
built against Hive 3.x -- we do have a Hive-3.1.1 maven profile to build &
test with 3.1.1. If that's the case, then the 1.11.1 hive connector won't
work with Hive 1.0 and 1.1. I asked the user to fall back to 1.11.0 and the
problem goes away.
Could anybody let me know how we built the maven artifacts for the release?
Best regards!
Rui Li